Tag: hologram

  • Waking Up From The Matrix

    We must eradicate hate with love. We must permanently learn to let go of fear, guilt, shame, grief, lies, the illusion, and ego attachment. These are the things that block our chakras and cut us off from the flow. Only positive can’t exist without negativity. These two concepts depend on each other like love and…

  • Liberate Your Soul

    The most amazing thing I have ever experienced would be liberation from this plane. Whether you know it or not you are living in a hologram. This is a school, I call is prison planet. We are all being held in place by political systems and religious institutions. These systems ensure that we do what…

  • We Live In A Hologram

    I like to think of our reality as a dream, or an illusion. We live in a virtual reality experience, some refer to it as the matrix. It is actually a hologram. A hologram is a three-dimensional image confined in two dimensions. Our matrix is something we perceive to be third dimensional, but it is…

  • Tree of Life

    The Universal tree of life is a structure of the macrocosmic within the microcosmic personal tree of life, this is a symphony of spherical vibrational frequency. In the Universal Time Matrix is a representation of our multidimensional reality. We are mind-body-soul complex that manifest within the multidimensional layers of vibrational frequency as instructed by our…