Tag: energy healing

  • Super New Moon In Libra…

    We can expect a dramatic energy shift tomorrow. This New Moon in Libra is bringing a lot of energy with it. It is also a Super Moon and one that completes a triad. This is the third Super New Moon to occur in a row. This New Moon marks the beginning of a new Lunar…

  • Entering The Underworld..

    We have a lot we need to bring into balance, both individually and collectively. The wheel is turning and we have shifted seasons into autumn. This is meant to be a time of celebration and gratitude for the progress we have made. Because if this weeks Equinox energy the veil is very thin, which has…

  • Energy Report…



    We have been going through some powerful energetic shifts. This is a space between Gateways. We have just passed through the 9/9 Portal and and are headed into the Autumn Equinox Gateway. We are doing a lot of upgrades and releasing this week to be ready for the Equinox. This is a good time to…

  • Shifting Into Virgo..

    As we make this shift into Virgo it’s bringing up some karmic lose ends.  Things that can continue to be healed and released may be coming to the surface.  We still have a lot of incoming energy hitting us the rest of August.  These energies are giving you what you need to make more shifts…

  • Our Classes…

    It’s an amazing time to sign up for a class.  Getting attuned will help open you up as a channel and will enhance your psychic awareness.  Here is a list of the classes that I offer: Usui Reiki Blue Star Healing Shamanic Healing Sirian Blue Star Healing Pleadian Attunment Sacred Path Reiki Ama Deus Shamanic…

  • The Lionsgate Portal Is Open!

    This is a powerful time for our spiritual paths.  This energy coming in is creating many new pathways for the collective.  The ancients knew this cosmic energy was a gateway to heaven.  As the Sun merges with Sirius it will activate your energy field, and transmits high vibrational codes to awaken your DNA.  The Lionsgate…