If It’s Meant To Be It Will Be


Soul Reincarnation

Once you set your intent to make something happen it’s already been created on every level.  The same things making you feel trapped are meant to liberate you.  Once you align with visions outside of your realm of comfort the universe will conspire to make it happen.  The things crumbling around you are no longer serving you, or humanity.  These lower dimensional places and timelines are going to fall in.  Many lightworkers are going to suddenly begin to see that they must leave.  That time of prophecy is here now, humanity has reached a place of a crossroads.  Align with love and you will realize everything is already falling into place.  Please understand that if your reading this then your contracted to my same consciousness group.  Our group planned more than the reality that you have been seeing up until the present.  If you want to enter the New Earth, you must first leave this one.  My journey to create it alone is enough to dismantle your entire constructs of reality.  Do not resist.  Let go finally of those illusions you have persuaded yourself to be real.  Push past and focus on liberating our group, and this entire construct that
we for so long have held such a responsibility for.  Let go, and if it’s meant to be it will be.