5D DNA Upgrade Activation

£ 155.00

All dimensions are everywhere, even inside of you.  What determines which dimension you experience is your frequency and the frequencies that make up your auric field and DNA template.  Raise your frequency.  This is an upgrade for your DNA template to better help you access the 5D.  Experience a new dimension of reality without having […]


All dimensions are everywhere, even inside of you.  What determines which dimension you experience is your frequency and the frequencies that make up your auric field and DNA template.  Raise your frequency.  This is an upgrade for your DNA template to better help you access the 5D.  Experience a new dimension of reality without having to go anywhere.  Embody those higher dimension here and now.  Most of humanity is locked into the frequency bands of dimensions 1-3 and therefore can only experience a limited aspect of reality.  The reason why more than 90% of humanity lives inside a frequency fence is due to blockages in their DNA, especially the 4th strand of DNA.  Unblock your DNA.  Unblock your 4Th strand of DNA.  Open up your 5th strand.  All dimensions and your chakras are connected to your DNA template and if you have blockages in your 4th strand of DNA then that means you won’t be able to fully activate your heart chakra and accrete the light that corresponds to your higher self.  Clear DNA blockages and activate your higher DNA strands.  This helps you to embody your Higher Self and shift into a higher frequency.  Raise your frequency and attract a more harmonious grid of people, places, times, things and events.


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