On The Energies…

Happy Cancer Full Moon.  It’s the first Full Moon of 2023.  We are in the middle of Capricorn Season.  The energies this Capricorn Season have been all about what we are manifesting this year.  The ideas you are putting out there are being super amplified right now.  We are seeing an increase in the Galactic Energies, and in the Solar Flares we are receiving.  Solar Activity is on the rise.  We are currently in the middle of our Solar Cycle 25, which will peak in 2025.  It only took 8 minutes for the last flare to reach Earth.  We are still very much feeling and integrating those energies.  Major incoming upgrades with Tonight’s Wolf Moon.  The Wolf is encouraging us to go deeper within ourselves.  It can help us in realizing and releasing our wilder aspects.  These energies are helping us to clear a lot of emotional energy.  This may look like you need to do some healing/ clearing work or you’re being asked to let go of the past once again.  In this lifetime you’re continuing to need to release any spiritual or energetic attachments.  Major Healing and Clearing Vibes going on.  This means figure out what you want and clear anything that isn’t aligned with your manifestations or visions.  Wolf Energies are all about you tapping into, and trusting your own intuition.  Wolves act as Spirit Guides for us as we navigate our Spiritual Awakening.  These energies are meant to be shaking you awake.  There is so much more that awaits on your awakening path.  Allow these energies to recalibrate you.  It’s a good time to be working with the Energies of the Moon.  We are in major Manifesting Energies right now.