On The Energies…

Happy 5:5 Portal.  Today is a beautiful Elohim/ Pleiadian Portal.  We have powerful Angelic/ Galactic Energies coming through.  Your Angels are around you a little extra right now.  They are always there if you need support energetically.  All you have to do is ask.  Due to changes in the Earth’s axis of rotation over time the point of Beltane is actually closer to May 5th.  Beltane is a cross quarter day.  It’s one of the Four Lunar Fire Festivals we do per year.  It’s an ancient ceremonial day.  The Earth Energies are always at the strongest in Taurus.  It’s an amazing time to be outside connecting with the Earth.  It’s amazing energies for doing ceremony, rituals, making magic, healing, praying, and meditating.  Taurus is also one of the strongest elements for manifesting.  The energies of today’s 5:5 Portal is a time to align with your dreams.  You don’t have to know how something will happen.  Your just meant to be putting your intentions out there to the Universe.  This is the time to have faith in the Universe and the magic it’s getting ready to work on your behalf.  There is literal magic in the air right now.  It’s raining down dust on us from Halley’s Comet right now.  The Aquarid’s Meteor Shower is also at its peak today and tomorrow.  The Energies of Halley’s Comet are meant to help us through a completion, it brings change and transformation.  It’s Energies are bringing us Light Body/ Astral Body Activations.  It’s also connected to our Spiritual Destiny.  That means forces of fate are at work in your life.  Eclipses also bring Shifts and Activations to your Destiny.  Next weekend is our Scorpio Full Flower Moon.  It’s a Blood Moon, and a Total Lunar Eclipse.  This is an 84 minute Eclipse that will max totality at 9:11 pm.  The 16th also opens up a Powerful Pleiadian Portal thru the 24th.  That makes the next few weeks a powerful time for the upgrades coming in, and the DNA activations occurring.  You should be seeing major results from the work you have been putting in.  Sensing or seeing your Divine Plan coming together.  Activating your Destiny.  It’s also a time for Twin flame Union.

art: @shinewonderland