Energy Astrology Report

Huge Energetic Shifts Today


Energy Astrology Report

This energy should be showing you that you need to slow down with everything.  Things need time to settle and you need time to focus on more long term plans.  This journey is about connecting you to yourself.  Everything is unfolding exactly as it should be in perfect timing.  You have been shown glimpses of your future and it’s extraordinary, but you must stay in the present.  This month will bring a lot of heavy energy with it.  Today is bringing with it a huge energetic shift.  Chiron is moving out of Pisces into Aries.  This placement will remain in this position until 2027, already bringing with it prophetic undertones.  Chiron is here to help guide people through the process of healing and clearing past wounds we brought with us into this life.  We brought many lessons that were of a deeper spiritual nature.  As we begin to remember and integrate this knowledge it’s causing shifts on many subconscious and energetic levels.  This placement acts as a bridge or doorway between the old and the new.  This is not the only energy shift we are going through the remainder of the month.  The incoming energy will be testing us spiritually to prepare us for the Scorpio full moon.