Category: Energy

  • On The Energies…

    On The Energies…

    April is going to kick off with an Aries New Moon and the 4:4 Portal.  We have had an active few days with the solar flares.  We also have another CME headed towards us now, and expected to hit us today.  We got a lot happening at once. The Sun just kicked off a couple…

  • On The Energies…

    On The Energies…



    We are shifting into March! March is going to bring so many energies!  March takes us into the energies of the Equinox.  That means that after next week’s 3:3 Portal we are really going to be opening up to those energies.  Expect huge influxes of energy over the next few weeks.  This month brings us…

  • On The Energies…

    On The Energies…



    The Sun is quiet right now and the solars are really low.  The Galactics are still coming in strong.  The energies today are very healing and are to help with integrating some of the recent upgrades that have been going on.  This week we will continue to be in the Pleiadian Portal.  That means all…

  • On The Energies…

    On The Energies…

    The energies of 1/11 today are the start of a new month.  November is going to bring some big energies and some big shifts.  You can feel the new beginning vibes in the air as we are preparing for Thursday’s Scorpio New Moon.  The Ascension Energies coming into the Planet are bringing us into a…

  • On The Energies…

    On The Energies…

    This 10:10 Portal is massive.  We have done a lot of clearing work over the past few days to prepare for it.  We are clearing a lot of old energies.  There are karmic cycles that are coming up for closing and healing.  The 10:10 Portal is meant to help us in opening new doorways.  We…

  • Incoming Solar Storm…

    Incoming Solar Storm…

    Many of you may be feeling the effects of all of these energies.  We are seeing a huge amount of Ascension Energies coming in right now.  These are Galactic Energies, energies coming from our Sun, Solar Flares, and Geomagnetic Storms.  A massive Solar Storm is kicking off.  We just had a Plasma explosion happen with…