Approaching The Winter Solstice…

We did a beautiful trip to the Sacred Site the Doll Tor last night.  The energy from the 12/12 portal and Full Moon was amazing.  I love to work with the energies of the Earth and the Ley Lines during the peaks of the Space Storms.  We have gone through the 12/12 portal which will carry us through to the Winter Solstice 12/21.  We will see huge waves of energy pouring in starting Wednesday.  This Solstice will be huge energetically.  We are going through some amazing upgrades this month.  I will be going back to Glastonbury and Stonehenge next week.  I’ll be doing an event from Stonehenge for the Solstice as well.  This is a powerful Stargate to connect to.  I have a Transmission and Activation I’ll be doing from there, both are in the Special Events section of our Shop.  Don’t miss out on this Event…

Photo: Stonehenge Dronescapes