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The New Earth
The Bible mentions a new heaven and a new earth in Revelations. Revelations 21 states “a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea”. The foundations of the earth are broken up by disturbances that we cause. When man no longer sins, and when only Christ consciousness is being manifested will there be a new earth. As we change physically so are the experiences we are creating. Each soul now has a new vision, and a new understanding. New Jerusalem is not a place, it’s condition. It’s an experience of the soul. Jerusalem symbolically means the holy city for the ark of the covenant. This is an ark of the covenant in the minds, hearts, the understandings, and comprehensions of those who have put aside their earthly desires. I doing this they become the new purposes in their experience, they become the New Jerusalem. Any fire mentioned was representing purification. These are actually states of mind, or states of consciousness. Never forget Israel means the seeker.
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