Tag: The event

  • An Energy Report…



    We are in a space storm!  The solar winds are triggering geomagnetic storms.  These solar winds are increasing.  These are huge waves of highly charged particles of energy.  These energies are upgrading our DNA and activating our light bodies.  We just had an Eclipse which is affecting these energies.  People may be processing these events…

  • Preparing For The Event…

    On September 2, 1859 the Carrington Event occurred.  This was a CME that hit Earth.  This CME overpowered the Earth’s protective magnetic field.  This was a storm of charged particles sent by the Sun that slammed into our atmosphere.  This spewed electrified subatomic particles towards our Planet, full of electromagnetic radiation.  This was the largest…

  • The Solar Event..

    We had a high spike on the Schumann Resonance at 54 HZ followed by a frequency crash, then another spike to 36 HZ.  What are considered normal values are changing within these new frequencies.  We are within a geomagnetic storm right now.  Those that are sensitive to energies are probably feeling the effects of the…

  • On The Energies..

    The illusion will continue to crumble with these energetic adjustments being made.  Anything not based in love or not for your highest good is being stripped away.  This has always been the illusion.  The outer world as you know it is about to change.  You may notice this happening gradually or it may occur suddenly…

  • Preparing For The Event…

    We hit 85 Hz today in the Schumann Resonance.  The increase in frequencies is affecting everyone’s state of consciousness.  As the frequencies increase its increasing our state of lucidity and awareness.  The energy influxes are picking up intensity.  We are seeing these massive energy shifts occurring on a Planetary level.  This has always been to…

  • The Energetic Theme Today is 40-40-40



    Today’s energetic theme is 40-40-40.  We had three spikes to 40 Hz today.  This morning we had a strong spike that hit 67 Hz.  This is a time of change and is reflected in the frequencies.  The average frequency of the physical body is between 62 to 68 Hz.  It has been suggested by Nikola…