Tag: The event

  • Preparing For The Event..

    It’s time to imagine the impossible.  Many still feel things are tipped against our favour during these times.  This is a period of great transformation.  While your learning to navigate the nature of reality your making many timeline jumps.  We are making preparations for the grand finale in all of this, an Event of monumental…

  • Healing The Shadow Side Of Humanity..

    Stay brave.  You will need this courage at this point in your journey.  Stand firm in your truth.  It is the light for many.  This is a vast place, full of both realms of light and of darkness.  Our mission as lightworkers is to anchor the light into these darker places.  While Pluto Retrograde may…

  • The Event Is Now

    Your losing your memories because your past is being rewritten.  These timeline shifts are changing your past experiences more and more.  Your entire Akashic is being rewritten.  If your having a hard time retrieving a memory of something then it’s because it’s been erased.  You may be remembering entire experiences with another person that they…