Tag: spiritual healing

  • Tips For Empaths..



    Your thoughts and emotions make up your energetic field.  If your an empath your picking up the thoughts and emotions of others and they become your own.  This is meant to be an ability in feeling energy.  It’s very important that anyone that is energy sensitive is keeping their own energy clear.  Here are some…

  • Changes In The Resonance

    The Schumann Resonance hit a powerful spike of 79 Hz today.  These changes in these fields of energy affect the charge inside of our bodies.  The Planet communicates with us in the language of frequencies.  We are always in complete synch with the Planets frequencies.  We have a lot of geomagnetic energies hitting us right…

  • Shifts In Love And Finances..

    We can expect many plot twists in your story.  Venus has arrived to her home Taurus.  While things may feel slow moving in areas such as love and finances, they are anything but.  The only obstacles to you living your dream life are you.  The resistance has always been your own blocks.  Get ready for…

  • A Month Of Energy Shifts…

    Get ready for some major changes in your life.  There are many shifts in consciousness being made at this time.  This is a time of a great collective change.  There has been a calling put out, one meant to return humanity back to their Divinity.  We are now beginning to understand there are many experiences…

  • Upgrades In Progress..

    We have some powerful astrology going on.  You may feel like you are in another dimension right now.  Expect a fire to be lit in any romantic relationships with this energy.  If your in a relationship use this energy to assess where your at.  We have a lot of energies merging together to move this…

  • A Dimensional Merging Is Occuring

    There are many overseeing your Ascension in the unseen.  We have many Guardians guiding us with our ascension.  Gatekeepers of the portals.  Those who have ascended into the higher frequencies.  There is much occurring which can not be seen at this time.  A merging of dimensions is underway.  The astral plane is on a frequency…