Tag: soul contracts

  • Vibrate Higher

    The same knowledge we brought to teach at the beginning of this cycle has led to our current reality.  We saw a very real cause and effect this cycle, that began with us.  We came and brought Universal law to this Planet.  It was immediately taken from us and used as the biggest weapon yet…

  • Sex As An Energy Transfer



    There is a lot of manipulation or supernatural energies and forces occurring around us.  Any type of psychic attack is when dark or negative energetic vibrations are sent to a person.  This creates disturbances in the energetic body.  The energies manifest into negative entities.  Auras become weakened from many things.  Negative emotions and drugs weaken…

  • Karma and Soul Contracts

    So we plan out every detail of our lives, down to the people we contracted to come and learn with. Sometimes it doesn’t go as planned or we don’t have the best time with someone. A lot of the time these people might even be your family. We contract with people based on karmic needs.…

  • Soul Contracts

    Let’s talk about my experience with soul contracts. This is an area that I’m especially knowledgeable with now. I incarnated into this planet with my twin flame, this is the hardest mission we will ever have. I had many soul contracts with many people this life. We choose our entire lives before we come here.…