Tag: solar flares

  • Incoming Energies…

    Get ready as we prepare for a double CME to strike the Earths magnetic field sometime tomorrow.  Since there are two the impact will be a lot stronger.  These burst of plasma are causing all sorts of fun space weather.  More importantly though, these light codes are activating our DNA.  A lot of you are…

  • Incoming Solar Energies…

    We have shifted into Virgo Season.  This will bring a lot of grounding energy with it.  We have had a chaotic year so we can expect these energies to really help us.  We have a huge emphasis on healing right now as the Planet struggles to adjust to the new energies streaming in.  We are…

  • Some Intense Energy Shifts..

    We are in an Eclipse Season and Retrograde Season at the same time right now.  The Eclipse Gateway has opened and we will be in it for the next two weeks.  We are still feeling shock waves from Friday’s Lunar Eclipse.  These energies are still very much affecting us.  We also had three massive astroids…

  • Incoming Energy..

    We are feeling the after effects of this Space Storm.  The Earth’s  magnetosphere is very excited right now.  You can look at the magnetosphere as the Earth’s aura and natural defence system.  We have interesting things happening to the energy this month.  We are behind schedule with this Ascension.  This month we will play catch…

  • Full Moon in Aries

    On October 5th we have a Full Moon in Aries, this sign is going to bring some intense energy. I’ve been telling you to rest up for this new storm. We are releasing and purging out the old right now. We should be preparing for a shift, as Gaia will be changing seasons and there…

  • 27 Natural Disasters Since September..

    keep in mind it’s only the 12th.. things will continue to intensify til the 23rd.. #1 California is on fire. #2 Oregon is on fire. #3 Washington is on fire. #4 British Colombia is on fire. #5 Alberta is on fire. #6 Montana is on fire. #7 Nova Scotia is on fire. #8 Greece is…