Tag: new age

  • Last Quarter Moon

    The 19th will be the last quarter moon. The last quarter moon is exact when the Sun in Aquarius forms a square with the moon in Scorpio. This moon is bringing with it a crisis in consciousness. Last week we had a full moon, this had us in the light of awareness. We now have…

  • Getting Ready For The Pole Shift

    Every 750,000 years the Earth’s magnetic field flips its polarity. This has happened many times over the millennia. This is where the Earths polarities reverse and actually flip. North will become South and South will become North. Everything around you is telling you that we have reached the end of our cycle. The last pole…

  • Judging My Spiritual Path

    For anyone that would like to judge my spiritual path in anyway… I have lived hundreds of thousands of lives, I don’t remember them all, but I remember a lot of them. I am still waking up to who I am and where I am from, just like most of you. I have my soul…