Tag: lionsgate

  • An Energy Report…

    Today is a lot of energy as it is a Galactic Activation Portal Day.  We can expect lots of upgrades.  This Leo Season is set to be extra powerful as we have tons of light codes pouring in through the Lions Gate Portal.  This portal will peak and completely open 8/8.  The Sun and Sirius…

  • On This Weeks Energies…

    Today is really powerful.  This Weekend is our Galactic New Year! Last Monday the 13th we began a series of 10 days of Galactic Activation Portal Days.  Today marks day 10 and a closing of this portal.  Today is the 26th day of the 13th Moon calendar.  It also marks its shift into Leo Season. …

  • Navigating The Rest Of July…

    You may feel a little bit dreamy during this time.  We are going to continue to go through a lot of energetic shifts this month.  We are still in a Retrograde Season.  Chiron is set to shift into retrograde Saturday and Mercury is set to shift direct on Sunday.  These shifts are meant to assist…

  • The Lionsgate Portal Is Open!

    This is a powerful time for our spiritual paths.  This energy coming in is creating many new pathways for the collective.  The ancients knew this cosmic energy was a gateway to heaven.  As the Sun merges with Sirius it will activate your energy field, and transmits high vibrational codes to awaken your DNA.  The Lionsgate…

  • The Space Storm Is Here

    Love should never make you feel broken.  It’s meant to remind you how whole you are.  Love is the balancing of energy through a mutual energy exchange.  It’s a way we polarise our energies.  It’s meant to be the ultimate spiritual experience, a way to tap into sacred energies.  There are star energies assisting the…

  • Lionsgate

    Sirius is opening a gateway during this storm. It’s a portal to higher realms of consciousness, a gateway to the heavens. Last month the Sun merged with this Sirian energy setting a path for these higher frequency energies. Sirian energies are helping raise consciousness during these ascension upgrades. This energy is closest in alignment with…