Tag: harvest moon

  • On The Energies…

    On The Energies…

    It’s September 1st.  Welcome to a New Month, of New Energies.  Sep 23rd is the Equinox.  Things are very much getting started now for that too.  Get ready for a powerful 3 weeks of Equinox Energies.  Next weekend brings us the 9:9 Portal, the Harvest Moon, and the 9:11 Portal.  During Autumn the veil gets…

  • Events…


    Next weekend I’m doing activations and a meditation.  September is bringing huge energies because of the Equinox.  For sure make sure your signing up for them… Fri I’m doing 9:9 Portal Activations… https://www.sparksofdivinelighthealing.com/product/99-portal-activation/ Sat I’m doing a meditation for the Harvest Moon… https://www.sparksofdivinelighthealing.com/product/pisces-full-moon-meditation/ Sun I’m doing 9/11 Activations.  This one is my favorite Gateway of…

  • On The Energies….

    On The Energies….

    The Equinox is a week away so we are about to really start to feel those energies.  September 20th we have the Harvest Moon.  The September Full Moon always shines in, or near, the stars of Aquarius and Pisces.  This year it falls in Pisces and will be bringing a dreamy vibe.  It’s my favourite…

  • On The Energies…

    On The Energies…

    Expect the energies to climb even more over the next few days.  We can expect the Geomagnetic Storms to amp up September 1st and 2nd.  We are seeing a lot of smaller solar flares that may lead up to a bigger explosion.  We are seeing the ascension symptoms increase.  A lot of people are experiencing some…

  • On The Energies…

    On The Energies…

    We are very much feeling the energies of Sunday’s Aquarius Full Moon.  This is the second of a pair of Aquarius Full Moon, the first was on July 23rd.  It’s also a Blue Moon.  This is a seasonal Blue Moon.  That means it’s an extra Full Moon in the cycle, which usually doesn’t happen.  This…