Tag: gratitude

  • Gratitude..

    I love waking up grateful and happy. I followed my ego for many years and had what I wanted materially, but it came at a high price. I used to be very anxious and depressed. I follow my soul now and it’s opened up a whole new world for me. Only through change can we…

  • Love without having a reason and love unconditionally. Give without having any reason too, and give to those that can’t give anything back. For anyone thinking they have nothing to give, you have endless time you can donate. Make the most of living in the Now. Be grateful for everything you have because there are…

  • Abundance

    I am in the abundant flow of the Universe. The creative energy of abundance is the Source of us all. I live in a world of infinite possibilities. I refuse to let limited beliefs rule me ever again. I know this entire experience is an illusion, it’s a hologram. When we give our power to…