Twin Flame Healing Gifts Upgrade Package

£ 1,111.00

Upgrade your energy! Raise your frequency.  When Twin Flames come together they do huge things when together.  That energy they each hold when combined is able to heal people and to heal the world.  This healing is amazing for everyone no matter what your situation.  Channeled light codes and healing energies for your spiritual awakening.  […]



Upgrade your energy! Raise your frequency.  When Twin Flames come together they do huge things when together.  That energy they each hold when combined is able to heal people and to heal the world.  This healing is amazing for everyone no matter what your situation.  Channeled light codes and healing energies for your spiritual awakening.  Awaken both Twin Flames more, and to the connection.  Brings online more of your gifts.  Twin Flames share a telepathic link.  Even across huge distances you can tune in and receive direct telepathic communication and messages from them.  A healing upgrade for your Twin Flame connection.  Twin Flames have a secret language between them.  You will see certain synchs and signs that make you think of them, and only click and make sense to the two of you.  Better connect too and tap into the world that you share merged together.   Be able to better sense and feel your Twin Flame when they are thinking of you.  Pick up on more of what’s going on with the other.  Helps to align your energy with your Twin Flame mission.  Tap into more of the shared purpose that brought you and your Twin Flame to Earth.  Activate your hidden gifts and abilities.  Heals any blocks to them.  Helps to strengthen the connection to your Twin Flame.


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