Twin Flame Healing For Separation Barriers Package

£ 255.00

Do you feel you or your Twin Flame has walls up and you can’t get through? Great for healing Union or separation issues.  Separation can be a painful, confusing, and an annoying cycle.  Heals ghosting and distance.  Heals barriers while in Union.  Heals physical separation like not being fully in Union or living apart issues.  […]



Do you feel you or your Twin Flame has walls up and you can’t get through? Great for healing Union or separation issues.  Separation can be a painful, confusing, and an annoying cycle.  Heals ghosting and distance.  Heals barriers while in Union.  Heals physical separation like not being fully in Union or living apart issues.  Great if you feel they aren’t opening up or letting you in fully.  Dissolves the barriers to live on both sides.  Heals separation permanently so you can achieve Harmonious Union with your Twin Flame.  Healing for abandonment trauma that your Twin Flame has been mirroring.  Manifests breakthroughs in your physical reality.  Heal and release barriers so you can manifest a stronger closer Union.  Clears your path to Divine love and Twin Flame Union.  The flaws and faults is what often causes twin souls to remain separated as they focus on healing emotional wounds.  Healing for these flaws and faults causing issues in Union.  Healing to overcome separation wounds and find unity within themselves.  Better aligning you with your Divine partner.  Great for healing old energies being stored up by the connection, or by the ascension.  Heals deeper issues that may be keeping you not quite in Union.


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