Healing Package For Twin Flame Blocks

£ 1,111.00

Our Twin Flame relationships mirrors the extent of our separation.  With our Twin Flame it’s the deepest healing work we will do.  An hour healing.  Dissolves and heals deeper Twin Flame blocks.  Healing for shame.  This shame manifests as unavailable partners and you or your Twin Flame having money problems.  Healing for anger.  This can […]



Our Twin Flame relationships mirrors the extent of our separation.  With our Twin Flame it’s the deepest healing work we will do.  An hour healing.  Dissolves and heals deeper Twin Flame blocks.  Healing for shame.  This shame manifests as unavailable partners and you or your Twin Flame having money problems.  Healing for anger.  This can manifest as you or your Twin Flame having anger issues.  Heals blocks and blocked energies that keep you stuck in the energies of pain and suffering.  Heals the major blocks to coming closer together with your Twin Flame.  Heals past trauma blocks that keep you in a loop.  Your Twin Flame mirrors your blocks.  This heals your blocks so that you can open up fully to Union/ and in Union.  Heals your Twin Flame being energetically distant.  Heals the walls you have both built around yourselves.  You will constantly see same regurgitated cycles and patterns reoccur for you to remember what you need to heal and clear on a karmic level.  Your Twin Flame will trigger these pattens, or play them out with you.  Healing for the energetic pattens that you need to heal on a deeper level.  Your Twin Flame mirrors your own healing blocks and fears through their 3D behavior, it forces you to dive into your own subconscious issues of self-love and abandonment issues.  Healing for these deeper healing blocks.  Raises your vibration.  Healing for the blocks that manifest at the physical and emotional levels of reality.


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