Twin Flame Healing For Unhealed Aspects In The Way Of Your Blueprints

£ 211.00

Twin Flame connections are guided by Divine timing and soul contracts, orchestrated by the unseen hand of the Universe.  The placement of the North Node of Twin Flames indicates the timing and circumstances of their reunion, as well as the lessons and experiences they are meant to share on their journey.  Twin Flames are brought […]


Twin Flame connections are guided by Divine timing and soul contracts, orchestrated by the unseen hand of the Universe.  The placement of the North Node of Twin Flames indicates the timing and circumstances of their reunion, as well as the lessons and experiences they are meant to share on their journey.  Twin Flames are brought together at a specific time and place.  Heal your energy and your connection.  Heal the old dysfunctional templates and patterns.  Transmute and heal the old dysfunctional relationship templates.  Twin Flames trigger our healing.  They trigger the deeper core wounds that we carry.  Healing for these wounds.  Heal past life lessons and pain.  This type of relationship will push your buttons and cause your trauma to surface.  Healing for the deeper unhealed aspects you still are holding.  Healing for your past, present, and future.  Heals all aspects of self.  Heal the old patterns.  Heal the dysfunctional patterns and templates and integrate these into your own energetic blueprint.  Meeting your Twin Flame opens up a whole new world of energetic and vibrational possibility and helps bring you closer to your Divine blueprint.  It’s impossible for you to maintain this higher vibrational state with the old patterns are still weighing you down.  Heal the old karma from your ancestral blueprint.  Heal the deeply embedded templates that ended up being passed down for generations.


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