Twin Flame Healing For Shadow Projections

£ 211.00

This is a channeled healing for the shadows and projections.  Heal the negative thoughts, and negative inner narratives.  Heal the shadow projections.  Heal the thoughts you know aren’t true but you stay replaying anyways.  Heal the negative scenarios, thoughts, and beliefs.  Twin Flames are perfect souls.  They also mirrors in the sense that they project […]



This is a channeled healing for the shadows and projections.  Heal the negative thoughts, and negative inner narratives.  Heal the shadow projections.  Heal the thoughts you know aren’t true but you stay replaying anyways.  Heal the negative scenarios, thoughts, and beliefs.  Twin Flames are perfect souls.  They also mirrors in the sense that they project to you the image of your fears and dark thoughts, but also of your inner beauty and strength.  Heal the painful beliefs around love that we project on to our Twin Flame.  Heal your shadow and rejected qualities you project on to your Twin Flame.  Heal and let go of old victim narratives.  Let go of old stories.  Heal the blocks.  Heal blame or negative lights you’re seeing you or your Twin Flame in.  Heal the negative feelings and beliefs that become the projections.  Heal distorted views of yourself and of your Twin Flame.  Heal low self esteem that causes projections.  Heal these ego defenses and ego ways of seeing the world.  Heal and dissolve emotional pain.  Heal the negative energy of your false beliefs.  Heal negative ways of seeing them and the connection.


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