Twin Flame Spiritual Gifts Activation

£ 66.00

A channeled healing activation for you, and your Twin Flame.  Great for everyone no matter what your situation.  Activates clairvoyance and empathy within your connection.  Activates clairvoyant and clairaudient abilities within the connection.  Twin Flames share a powerful psychic connection with one another.  Activate this psychic connection.  Activates the psychic abilities that you share between […]



A channeled healing activation for you, and your Twin Flame.  Great for everyone no matter what your situation.  Activates clairvoyance and empathy within your connection.  Activates clairvoyant and clairaudient abilities within the connection.  Twin Flames share a powerful psychic connection with one another.  Activate this psychic connection.  Activates the psychic abilities that you share between you, and your Twin Flame.  Heal and activate your energy, and the connection.  Twin Flames have powerful telepathic and psychic abilities.  Better activate your telepathic connection to each other and to the spiritual realms.  Activate your intuition, empathy, telepathy, and clairvoyance.  Heals, uplifts, and activates the connection.  Activate your unique gifts that you carry, bringing more of them online, and making them stronger.  Feel, read, and sense each other better.  Activates your Twin Flame telepathy.  This allows you to be telepathic even when not together physically.  Activates higher communication abilities between you and your Twin Flame.  Activates the ability to feel each other’s energy and emotions at a distance.


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