Past Life Twin Flame Healing For Past Life Scenarios Replaying In This Life

£ 255.00

Twin Flame is a past life relationship.  This is why the pull is so strong.  You will have a deep connection, with many synchronicities.  Healing for you and your Twin Flames past lives, and past lives together.  Heals the baggage you brought into this life, and brought into this life together.  Healing for your past […]


Twin Flame is a past life relationship.  This is why the pull is so strong.  You will have a deep connection, with many synchronicities.  Healing for you and your Twin Flames past lives, and past lives together.  Heals the baggage you brought into this life, and brought into this life together.  Healing for your past incarnations.  These lives are still carried in your subconscious.  Healing for the subconscious.  When you meet your Twin Flame the soul connection awakens subconscious memories of your past incarnations together.  This awakening can be quite rough and brings unresolved issues to the surface.  Healing for the unresolved issues and past life karma, and past life energies between you and your Twin Flame.  Your Twin Flame can flood you with feelings and emotions that belonged to your past selves.  Healing for these past life emotions.   Heals guilt, and betrayal from past lifetimes.  Heals pain you carry from past lifetimes.  Most of the painful, messy and unworkable Twin Flame scenarios come from this dissonance between your current path and soul-level memories.  Healing for past life scenarios playing out in the now.  Healing for the egoic self, pain, arguments and breakups.  Twin Flame souls carry a baggage of many lifetimes where they encountered violence, poverty and abuse of power.  This spiritual baggage also has a negative side, in that painful experiences leave scars on the soul.  Much like a physical trauma would affect the body, emotional trauma may affect the soul beyond one single lifetime.  Healing for you and your Twin Flames past life emotional trauma.  Healing for unresolved karma from previous lives with other people for you and your Twin Flame.  Heals the karma from past lifetimes that you carry together.


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