On The Energies…

Today our Aquarius Sun is Sextile the North Node and Trine the North Node.  This alignment is all about your future path and your destiny.  It’s all about fated love.  This is a huge alignment for soulmates and Twin Flames.  You may sense if you’re meant to be together with someone right now.  Your connection will feel extra strong.  You may be thinking of this person extra or the Universe may be sending synchronicities that remind you of them to get your attention.  Eventually your path is meant to lead to your destined lover.  Know the right people come into your life when they’re meant to.  A relationship that’s guided by fate is one that the Universe has selected for you.  These energies are meant to help realign you with your path.  It’s a day where fate aligns us to the right path.  Some may feel that you’re at a crossroads with things.  That’s why it’s important that you’re following your heart, and allowing your heart to guide you the right way.  This is a romantic time of the year as Valentine’s Day is next week.  Expect a lot of healing and positive shifts in your love life.