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New Moon In Taurus
We have a New Moon the 15th in Taurus. This sign is one that paves the way for huge cosmic shifts. Taurus brings change with it, and has a tendency to insert itself slowly, with dramatic effects. This moon will be most profound as one of new beginnings. The same day we have this New Moon Uranus shifts into Taurus. Whenever we have big planets making shifts a certain energy is felt within and around us. Taurus energy is about security and stability. This is a sign that has mastered love and finances. While this sign creates security, it’s aware that real security
comes from within. Things are about to change within and without. With this Taurus and Uranus energy it’s important that we surrender to these changes. While this Moon may bring lots of drastic changes, Taurus is a subtle energy it can tend to be extreme once noticed. As our perceptions are evolving and shifting so is our level of understanding. Taurus is a sign that can feel everything. Being open to these changes will lead you to more positive probabilities. This New Moon is bringing with it lots of creative energy. When we focus on the old we lock ourselves In on the vey prison timeline people seek to escape. We all understand the old issues. We must work on creating new realities now. Your being guided to continue activating yourself through these changes. Any resistance to these changes is to resist yourself. This moon is idea for love and relationships, as well as positive financial changes.
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