I’m Doing Healings And Activations Today…

Today is a Galactic Activation Portal Day.  That means these energies intensify and amplify your energy and how you feel.  These are the days to be manifesting what you want on.  The veil is thin and the door to other worlds are open.  We receive a huge influx of Galactic Light Codes.  Today you want to be tapping into the energies.  I’ll be doing healing and activation work.  Here are the links to sign up.

5:11 Galactic Portal Day Twin Flame Clearing…


5:11 Galactic Portal Day DNA Healing And Activation…


5:11 Galactic Portal Day Light Body Activation…


5:11 Galactic Portal Day Twin Flame Healing…


5:11 Galactic Portal Day Twin Flame Chakra System Activation…


art: @iheartsparkle.art


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