Tag: venus

  • Eclipse Gateways- Venus Enters Cancer

    This month is powerful for our spiritual evolution.  We have entered a dimensional doorway energetically.  This Eclipse Gateway is a powerful manifesting energy.  The vibe is about to get intense the rest of the week.  Venus enters Cancer today bringing with it lessons in love.  The cosmic energies are triggering the need to be in…

  • Shifts In Love And Finances..

    We can expect many plot twists in your story.  Venus has arrived to her home Taurus.  While things may feel slow moving in areas such as love and finances, they are anything but.  The only obstacles to you living your dream life are you.  The resistance has always been your own blocks.  Get ready for…

  • Shifting To Love..

    The energetic shift should feel apparent.  It’s time to let the lessons you just went through go.  Just as the energy has changed in dynamic and shifted so must your focus.  It’s time to realise you are the foundation of all that is.  It’s time to rebuild something solid.  If there is no spiritual foundation…

  • Entering 5D..

    If you want to heal you must let go of the things that have become toxic to your soul.  You’ll notice as you progress on your spiritual path you should be becoming much more energy sensitive.  This is a spiritual liberation on every level.  In order to liberate you must release the things not serving…

  • Consciousness…

    We are in between worlds now more then ever.  I look at it like a space between life and death.  This Planet is about to see a crazy rebirth.  This Spring Equinox has been a long time coming.  Please remember this is all temporary.  A transition of monumental proportions.  This is a time of change,…

  • Mercury Retrograde Moves Into Scorpio

    We continue moving through these Ascension energies.  This is the luckiest energy of the entire year.  It’s very important that we are using it to manifest our dream realities.  There is an element of magic in the air.  This Full Moon, we just had, shifted us into the mental aspect of ourselves.  This Mercury Retrograde…