Tag: soulmate

  • Incoming Galactic Waves…



    As these energies are flooding our bodies with these photons of light it’s changing how we interact with time and space.  This ultimately will be bringing time and space back to a zero point.  You may be feeling like your losing any sense of time or that your perception of time has not been in…

  • Shifting To Love..

    The energetic shift should feel apparent.  It’s time to let the lessons you just went through go.  Just as the energy has changed in dynamic and shifted so must your focus.  It’s time to realise you are the foundation of all that is.  It’s time to rebuild something solid.  If there is no spiritual foundation…

  • New Moon Meditation And Activation-Monday

    On Monday I’ll be doing a live guided Meditation on Facebook.  I’ll also be doing a New Moon Activation through my website.  I will be working with the energies of Neptune.  This is to activate your own inner knowledge.  This Moon will be unique in its energetic effects.  The Moon energies will last for about…

  • Raise The Frequency Of Your House…



    With this Capricorn energy we have a huge focus on bringing up the vibrational frequency.  A good place to start is with your house.  De-clutter, let go of anything your not currently using.  When we hold on to old ideas it creates stagnant energy.  Make sure your space is clean, regard it as a temple. …

  • New Moon/Solar Eclipse..

    This is a time where intentions are forming out path.  This New Moon in Capricorn and Solar Eclipse are merging energies with a powerful Space Storm.  This is a gateway to the new, anything your soul longs to create.  This year we will come to realise the impact our thoughts have on our reality.  This…

  • A Year For Spiritual Union..



    The highest attainment of Divine expression is love.  The spiritual unions around us are seeding a foundation for the collective.  Reminders to the all, of what we are here for.  It’s not an ordinary love you have been looking for, it’s the completion of your soul.  To have retrieved enough pieces, to have created a…