Tag: sirian

  • Shifting To The New



    There is a chain reaction occurring throughout consciousness.  We were lied to about the natures of reality and our potential in every way.  People are awakening and remembering.  In us raising our frequencies and mastering our realities it’s anchoring the Planet into new frequencies.  Those making the biggest shifts in consciousness are those that have…

  • Connecting To The Blue Star Energy Activation..

    As your making this spiritual ascension you may be connecting to other star systems.  The stars are the holders of ancestral knowledge.  Connecting to star energy is an ancient practice.  The Maya, Native Americans and Egyptians obtained much of their knowledge from the stars.  With this awakening many are finding out they lived past lives…

  • Stand Tall Starseeds..

    Children of light now is the time to stay focused.  Your mission has not been easy.  You were inserted into extreme states of separateness, with that comes fear.  This journey has led your soul back to an infinite Oneness.  Your path has become the light, simply because you stand on it.  Understand the material has…

  • Unity Consciousness..

    Humanity is once again shifting towards unity consciousness.  In doing so we are once again able to access vast information.  The Sirian grid of light has anchored in.  The blueprint of this Planet is moving away from separation and duality.  Every facet of creation can feel this Galactic light.  The human body is a template,…

  • Preparing For The Event..

    It’s time to imagine the impossible.  Many still feel things are tipped against our favour during these times.  This is a period of great transformation.  While your learning to navigate the nature of reality your making many timeline jumps.  We are making preparations for the grand finale in all of this, an Event of monumental…

  • Returning to Galactic Unity..

    So long ago we made this plan.  We would venture into ourselves.  The greatest knowing is to know yourself.  We ventured into separateness, creating entire Universes reflective of this pain.  We explored ourselves to the very depths of our consciousness.  We awaited the day we would return to Oneness.  It took many lessons and a…