Tag: geostorm

  • An Energy Update…

    The Earth’s North Pole is moving from Canada towards Siberia.  It’s moving rapidly to! It’s also impossible to predict what might occur.  This is setting a serious of events into motion.  It should be apparent that humanity is headed on a collision course, and that things can not be allowed to carry on like this. …

  • A Space Storm Energy Report

    We are having energetic disturbances.  These geomagnetic energies are having a serious affect on our bodies.  A stream of solar wind is hitting the Earth’s magnetic field.  This gaseous energy is flowing from a large hole in the Sun’s atmosphere.  Last night we had 20 fireballs and 1936 potentially hazardous asteroids, things the media isn’t…

  • Pole Shift..

    Everyone is freaking out about everything hitting the news. We are in a space storm so I wanted to do a little energy report. There are a rumors there will be a blackout, as in the lights going out. The blackout is happening, but not like people think. It’s all going to be extreme weather.…