Tag: Gemini new moon

  • On The Energies…

    On The Energies…

    Happy 6:6 Portal! It’s the 6th day of the 6th month of the year.  Today is all about working with these energies.  We can connect with these higher energies to make huge shifts in our life.  Expect a lot of higher frequency light codes.  It’s our Gemini New Moon.  Gemini is the sign of relationships…

  • On The Energies…

    On The Energies…

    Today our Crescent Moon aligns with the Pleiades.  The Moon will be near the Pleiades, Jupiter, and Mercury.  Today is a great day to soak up some Pleiadian energies.  Tomorrow is our Gemini New Moon.  It’s a beautiful Moon for any Twin Flames.  There is a lout of happy Reunion and Union energy in the…

  • On The Energies…

    On The Energies…

    We are in a Memorial Day Meteor Shower.  May 30th- 31st we are in the Tau Herculids Meteor Storm.  We can expect 1,000 shooting stars per hour overnight Monday as the Earth passes through debris from Comet 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3.  We can expect Fireballs, Solar Flares, Shooting Stars, and a Meteor Storm with tonight’s Gemini New…

  • We Meditate Today

    We Meditate Today

    We are coming together to meditate today for the New Moon.  Today’s Gemini New Moon is bringing Fireballs, Solar Flares, Shooting Stars, and a Meteor Shower with it.  I always love when the Sun and the Moon are aligned in the same sign.  It’s a chance for us to come into a deeper alignment.  Powerful…

  • On The Energies…

    On The Energies…

    Right now we are in an Aldebaran Solar Portal.  Aldebaran is aligned with the Sun from the 29th to the 31st.  Aldebaran is in conjunction with the Sun every year on June 1st.  Aldebaran is a pale rose star, and the brightest star in the constellation of Taurus.  There are 4 Royal Stars.  The 4…