Tag: Energy shifts

  • On These Energies…



    We have been doing a lot of cleansing and releasing lately.  We have a lot of energy coming into the Planet.  These new energies are only a glimpse of what’s to come the rest of the year.  We can see just how powerful the effects of the last Eclipse were.  Those energies are still very…

  • On This Weeks Energies…

    We can expect some serious frequency shifts this week.  We are about to step into a new stream of even higher frequency energy.  These are supercharged particles of light.  We can expect a lot of these energies to begin to reach us by tomorrow.  This energetic storm will begin to peak Thursday with the 10/10…

  • Frequency Shifts…

    The Schumann Resonance is the Earth’s heart beat, her aura.  It vibrates in Resonance with the human aura and in perfect synch with our brainwave states.  The Resonance is increasing.  Today we had a peak at 72 Hz.  There was a two hour pause before a new frequency of 50 Hz.  When the Schumann Resonance…

  • ThIs Weeks Energy Shifts..

    We are gearing up for a major energy shift as we gear up for this weeks Full Moon in Scorpio.  This is a powerful time for all relationships, especially romantic ones.  This week brings two powerful astrological transits.  We have Venus entering Taurus and Mars entering Cancer.  This is putting an emphasis on our love…

  • A Month Of Energy Shifts…

    Get ready for some major changes in your life.  There are many shifts in consciousness being made at this time.  This is a time of a great collective change.  There has been a calling put out, one meant to return humanity back to their Divinity.  We are now beginning to understand there are many experiences…