Twin Flame Healing For Your Yin/ Yang Energies

£ 255.00

This is a channeled healing for you and your Tain Flame.  True mastery of life occurs when you’re balanced with and living in your Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine energies.  Heal and balance your energy.  Twin Flame connections are a Union of two souls that are deeply interconnected, yet distinct in their energies and qualities.  […]



This is a channeled healing for you and your Tain Flame.  True mastery of life occurs when you’re balanced with and living in your Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine energies.  Heal and balance your energy.  Twin Flame connections are a Union of two souls that are deeply interconnected, yet distinct in their energies and qualities.  They are opposites in many ways, but also complementary forces of energy.  The Divine Feminine is the Yin and the Divine Masculine is the Yang.  Heal and balance both for a harmonious, healthy relationship.  Shift into more balance and harmony energetically and with, and within, the Twin Flame connection.  Heal your Yin energies (DF) so that you can be more intuitive, empathetic, and attuned to the emotional side of the relationship.  Heal your Yang (DM) energies to be more proactive, decisive, and action-oriented in driving the relationship forward.  Heal your Yin energies (DF) so that you may offer more nurturing support, emotional comfort, and gentle guidance to your Twin Flame.  Heal your Yang (DM) so you can be more protective, loyal, and dedicated in safeguarding the well-being and happiness of their counterpart (DF).   Heal and integrate these polarities.  Deepen your connection with their Twin Flame and align more fully with your soul’s journey.


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