Twin Flame Heal Your Chakras Of Negative Programming

£ 211.00

Heal and balance your Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine energies.  To achieve Union there has to be a healthy balance of Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine energies.  This is a process. Twin Flames trigger each others soul evolution by forcing one another to heal through traumas.  The chasing and the running typically prevent the Union […]



Heal and balance your Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine energies.  To achieve Union there has to be a healthy balance of Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine energies.  This is a process. Twin Flames trigger each others soul evolution by forcing one another to heal through traumas.  The chasing and the running typically prevent the Union from occurring as well as their egos.  Both operate in their egos and allow it to come in between the reality of the connection. This is often due to societal programming.  Heal the negative programming.  Heal and shift out of masculine energies of running, and fear of intimacy.  Heal guilt and shame towards the feminine.  Clear deep seated wounds within both the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine.  Heal negative programming found within the masculine and feminine energies.  Heal shadow traits.  Heal your chakras of negative programming and attachments to the old 3D karmic fields.  Heal and release trauma playing out in the connection.  Heal and release fear based energies.  Heal and release the negative collective karmic imprints of separation and conflict paradigms.


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