Anxious/ Avoidant Twin Flame Healing

£ 255.00

This is a healing for the anxious avoidant relationship cycles that a lot of Twin Flames find themselves in.  The Twin Flame Journey can involve phases of harmony, chaos, and a runner-chaser dynamic, where one party retreats from the intensity (the runner), and the other pursues (the chaser).  The chaser tries to cling and the […]



This is a healing for the anxious avoidant relationship cycles that a lot of Twin Flames find themselves in.  The Twin Flame Journey can involve phases of harmony, chaos, and a runner-chaser dynamic, where one party retreats from the intensity (the runner), and the other pursues (the chaser).  The chaser tries to cling and the runner runs more.  The chaser is the anxious attacher and the runner the avoidant attacher.  This dynamic can mimic patterns found in insecure attachment styles.  Each usually has anxious and avoidant attachments.  In anxious attachment, individuals fear abandonment and may become overly dependent on their partner (the chaser). Conversely, those with avoidant attachment may fear intimacy and closeness, causing them to retreat (the runner).  Heals both ends of the dynamic.  Heals fear of abandonment and fear of closeness, or intimacy.  Helps to heal old beliefs that cause this dynamic.  Remember your Twin Flame is a mirror to show you your own issues.  Heals the underlying beliefs that cause these type of issues, or cycles.  Heal yourself and your relationships.  Shift from insecure to secure attachment

patterns.  Break any runner/ chaser cycles.  This can be the push pull or your partner pulling back.  The hot cold dynamics.  Heal the root cause of these cycles.  This allows for a healthier connection.  Helps you to have healthy boundaries.  The chaser has none, or bad boundaries and has issues respecting the other’s energy space.  The runner has too rigid of boundaries, often keeping the other out, or not letting them in.  Helps in healing boundary issues, this is a vital aspect of secure attachment.


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