Twin Flame Healing For Fear Blocks

£ 211.00

Twin Flames connect on a deep level quickly and intensely.  There usually is a sense of instant recognition.  There is usually a push-pull dynamic.  Heal that push pull dynamic.  Heal the fear that comes up as blocks.  Twin Flames might be scared of each other even before they meet in the physical in this lifetime […]


Twin Flames connect on a deep level quickly and intensely.  There usually is a sense of instant recognition.  There is usually a push-pull dynamic.  Heal that push pull dynamic.  Heal the fear that comes up as blocks.  Twin Flames might be scared of each other even before they meet in the physical in this lifetime because of past lives.  You both have hurt each other enormously and have not recognised the connection for what it truly is, spiritual, and instead have categorized it to fit into the broken fragments and conditioning of the society, which is romantic and codependent.  This healing goes deep into other lifetimes to release fear, hurt, and deeper wounding.  Twin Flames trigger each other towards Ascension.  This may distort the view of the relationship.  They may view it as too good to be true or toxic.  Heal distorted views.  Heal the hurt.  Heal the fears and misunderstandings.  Heal karma from the past, and past lifetime between you.  Twin Flames meet to initiate awakening and pursue the path of Ascension.  Twin Flame encounters are a part of your soul blue print, and will trigger your awakening.  Balance the energy between you both.  Heal all negative karmic history shared between you in past lives and in this life.  When you operate from a place of fear and suspicion, there’s automatic rejection, like magnets that repel.  When you operate from a place of security and trust, there’s automatic attraction, like magnets that attract and can’t be separated no matter how hard anyone tries or how often anything happens outside of them.  Shift into love frequencies.  Shift into Union frequencies.


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