Twin Flame Healing To Close Out Past Timelines

£ 211.00

This is a healing for what has been brought up from your past.  Heal and let go of the past and past attachments.  Heal your emotions.  Healing for the negativity and previous issues your Twin Flame stirred up.  This is a healing to close out past timelines.  Often times our past is still to open.  […]



This is a healing for what has been brought up from your past.  Heal and let go of the past and past attachments.  Heal your emotions.  Healing for the negativity and previous issues your Twin Flame stirred up.  This is a healing to close out past timelines.  Often times our past is still to open.  There may be things to resolve to ascend fully.  Close out old timelines.  Past traumas, events, and people that can keep us anchored to lower timelines.  Traumas and traumatic events can keep our mind visiting these places.  Close out and collapse your past timelines more.  Heals any open issues.  Heal from and help release other relationships that are pulling your vibration down.  Let go of old frequencies so you can rise to a higher energy state.  Heal old thoughts, limitations and fears that can start to creep in as the ego needs something to hold onto.  Let go of old stories that you’re clinging too and the timelines connected to them.  Let go of ego based past timelines.  Heal and release what is out of alignment.  Release relationships, habits, and patterns that are no longer serving you.  Dissolve attachments that may be affecting your Union.  No longer experience the negativity of the old.  Dissolve old, lower vibrational timelines.  Experience the highest vibrational timeline with your Twin Flame.


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