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On The Energies…
Happy 2:2 Portal. Today brings us a lot of high frequency energies, that are taking us to a higher vibration, and even higher realities. These energies and light codes streaming in are bringing with them major DNA upgrades. The energy begans to amp up on today and will only be magnified for the 2:22 Portal. Today is a huge manifestation portal. It gives you a chance to align with the Universe on a bigger level, and with what you are currently working on. It’s a great time to be putting your intentions out into the Universe. A great technique is to visualize the life that you want. You’re planting seeds. Stay focused on tending to and nurturing these dreams to bring them into reality. These energies are amazing for helping you to heal, or work through any karmic lessons still affecting you in your life. Shadow work may be coming up. These higher energies tend to push to the surface everything in your life that you need to heal. On these Portal days, the Universe throws a concentrated load of energy at us, which can bring up the things we might otherwise usually like to push away or repress in everyday life. That makes this a great time to be releasing energies that are no longer serving you, and clearing the blocks. Your intuition will be amplified helping you to tap in much easier. Make sure you’re listening to it as to what to be doing. These are very spiritual days. Know where you’re going, and where you want your destiny to lead you. The key is to know what you want to do with your life. These energies can help you massively in getting there.
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