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On The Energies…
Today Mercury in Capricorn is sextile Venus in Pisces. Capricorn is the Sea Goat and tends to be driven, down-to-earth, responsible and hardworking. That means these energies are giving you a chance to make some of your most ambitious dreams a reality. This cardinal earth sign is ruled by Saturn. Saturn is the Planet of boundaries, commitment and limitations as well as rules and regulations. Mercury is the messenger Planet. Mercury’s sextile to romantic Venus in Pisces is an amazing energy for spending time with the people that you love. It can really help to open you up to better understand people. Love is in the air, with a focus on the long term. This is amazing energy for committing to some type of plan, lover, or even assessing your relationship contracts. Make sure you’re actually seeing any plans or agreements through during this time, and not just talking about them. We have kicked off Capricorn Season. Aquarius is the fixed air sign of future visions. It’s a very forward thinking sign. Aquarius Season is starting on an intense note as the Sun will join forces with Pluto in Aquarius on the 21st. Pluto is the planet of creation and destruction. Expect these energies to be setting fire to the old way of doing things and breathing life into the new. That means you’re being guided to let go of the old, and to continue to shift towards the new. You may find yourself feeling more social with Aquarius Season. Aquarius is a sign always associated with the collective. It’s a great time to align with ways you can help others or be of service. Expect this week to also be giving you glimpses into the future. That may take you outside of your comfort zone, or leave you feeling a little untethered. Nobody likes change, yet it’s inevitable. Remember the changes happening are taking you towards your goals. Expect this week to shift the focus to your long term plans and what you must do to get there.
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