On The Energies…

Today Venus in Cancer is Square Chiron in Aries, creating some tension, especially when it comes to matters of the heart.  This Venus-Chiron square brings your attention to unhealed wounds that are still impacting your relationship choices and how you show up in relationships.  This alignment is helping you to heal unresolved pain from your past so that you can create the life that you desire.  This square between Chiron and Venus can bring to the surface wounds and unresolved issues that need healing.  This Venus-Chiron square will bring to your attention any unhealed wounds that may still be impacting you in the now.  Look at today as a huge clearing as we shift into the energies of the 7:7 Portal.  During the 7:7 Portal, a sacred gateway of energy is open between the star Sirius and Earth.  We receive a lot of high vibrational energies.  We are letting go of a lot of old emotions right now.  You may need extra rest as you’re integrating a lot of new energies that are streaming in.  There is a deep healing that is happening now.  When the Sun shifts into Leo at the end of the month, we will move into the energies of the Lions Gate Portal.  During this time of year we continue to connect with Sirius.  Expect major upgrades and DNA activation, powerful downloads, instant manifestation, and an acceleration of your timelines.  You may experience ascension symptoms too.  Why extra self care is needed.