On The Energies…

Our Sun is Conjunct Mercury today. It’s all about what you’re thinking about and communicating.  Pay attention to what’s on your mind.  We are still in Mercury Retrograde.  Things have slowed down.  This is an auspicious alignment that is meant to give you more clarity moving forward on your path.  Expect extra downloads and telepathy.  You’ll be reading the minds and vibes of those closest to you a little extra.  I’ll be doing healings and activations today.  Here are the links to sign up…

4:12 Sun Conjunct Mercury Activation To Upgrade Your Twin Flame Blueprint…


4:12 Sun Conjunct Mercury Twin Flame Clearing…


4:12 Sun Conjunct Mercury Twin Flame Activation To Heal Separation Wounds…


4:12 Sun Conjunct Mercury Activation For Your Spiritual Awakening…


4:12 Sun Conjunct Mercury Activation For Spiritual Protection…
