On The Energies..

Happy 8:8 Portal! The Lion’s Gate Portal is opening in the sky.  The Earth is in a powerful direct alignment with the Galactic Center, Central Sun, Sun, Sirius, and Orion.  Orions Belt Is perfectly aligned with the Pyramids of Giza right now.  Your probably feeling the super charged energies that are flooding the Planet right now.  These high frequency energies are so amazing for doing activation or healing work.  The Light Codes of the Lions Gate Portal can help us so much with the ascension work that we are doing right now.  We have major shifts happening in and around relationships right now.  Major healing and clearing is happening within the heart chakra.  That means the energies may be bringing up old hurt or old wounds.  Sometimes old things we carry, or have a hard time letting go are the blocks.  There is a major heart chakra clearing and activation happening.  It’s time to surrender and release anything in the way of your heart fully opening.  It’s time to let the light fully in.  It’s the luckiest day of the year.  You can manifest anything right now.  Make sure your utilizing these high frequency energies.  Leo Season always brings supercharged solar energies.  As Sirius is moving closer to Earth we are receiving huge influxes of light, straight from Heaven.  These energies are to help us in bringing Heaven back to Earth.  Many are shifting into a 5D state of consciousness.  We can do that through doing the inner work to clear anything karmically holding us to the Old 3D Earth and through doing work to raise our vibration.