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On The Energies…
We have had 30 solar flares kick off between yesterday and today. These waves of energy are powerful and the effects are being felt across the collective. Our Sun is closer to Source then any other created object. These are Source Energies coming in. The energetic changes happening have also pushed our Planet into somewhat of a healing crisis. Some of this is just the soul sensing the need to heal on deep levels. Many may even be purging or releasing deep past issues/ traumas to prepare for the 2:2:22 Portal. The Galactics are going to continue to come in strong until the 2:2:22 Portal. We are moving through a spiritual fire right now. Many may feel it burning your crown/ ego to ashes right now. This is an inner alchemy that must occur. A sacred fire is burning now within your heart. These energies are meant to ignite a spark in your soul. There is a Phoenix moment that is happening/ a rebirth moment. Your true self is actually rising from the ashes. This fire is meant to help you rise as the lightworker you were born to become. Lightworkers are here to shift these energies. Your job is to transmute the darkness into light. You are someone who is meant to hold that torch, or to hold that flame for others. You’ll do that by continuing to work on healing, and towards raising your frequency. This will help you shift into your full light potential. As your moving through this ascension process connect with your angels more. Feel them guiding you, and sense there love for you. If you need something you need only ask. Pay attention to the messages and guidance being sent through for you. We are being asked to heal and release the past. The more we transmute the more room we have to create the new. Expect a new beginning as we are preparing to close our/ wrap up old cycles with next weeks 2:2:22 Portal.
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