Mayan Prophecy

October 28, 2011 was a day when all nine waves began to influence our biology. Our minds shifted and created a new interface pattern. We are living in the middle of several prophecies, including Mayan prophecies. The Mayans said that Bolon Yokte Kuh, their God of the nine levels, would appear in his full regalia. The full regalia means all of the waves were activated and running in parallel. It was only after this date that unity consciousness became assessable for all of us. The energy changes our perception and how we see reality. We project things from our mind and create an external reality consistent with the perceptions in our mind. If we download a mind of duality we project this on to the world and will create conflicts. If we download a mind of unity we will create a world of peace. These are timelines of shifting frames of mind. May 24, 2017 is a significant date. It is first day of a 36 wave period of the ninth wave. It should be regarded as the beginning of a sustained effort to facilitate for people to create resonance with the Ninth Wave. This can’t be seen as a singular event. It’s followed by events on June 29, August 4, and so on. The chaos in the world has made it necessary to create resonance on a larger collective scale with the wave that generates unity consciousness.  The sustained intent to manifest the destiny of humanity through resonance with the Ninth Wave will create such a Golden Age.