I’m Doing Healings And Activations Today…

Today we have Mercury Conjunct Pluto & Mercury Enters Aquarius.  We also have Venus in Capricorn Squares Chiron in Aries.  The Sun is also Sextile Chiron.  This is bringing a lot to the surface from within your love life.  Anything unhealed will be being triggered to the surface to clear.  Huge energies that will be stirring up any old relationship wounds.  It’s a great energy to be tapping into.  I’ll be doing healings and activations today.  Here are the links to sign up…

2:5 Mercury Conjunct Pluto & Mercury Enters Aquarius Twin Flame Activation…


2:5 Mercury Conjunct Pluto & Mercury Enters Aquarius Activation…


2:5 Venus Squares Chiron Activation…


2:5 Mercury Conjunct Pluto & Mercury Enters Aquarius Twin Flame Clearing…


2:5 Mercury Conjunct Pluto & Mercury Enters Aquarius Violet Flame Healing Package For Past Life Trauma/ Past Karmic Issues…


2:5 Mercury Conjunct Pluto & Mercury Enters Aquarius Healing For Twin Flame Package…


art: @glitterartss