Each Thought Is A Fractal


each thought is a fractal

Within you exists the void of all creation.  Each thought you have omits a vibration. These are sound frequencies that then shape light into the physical.  The vibrations form geometric patterns.  These patterns create the world as we know it, at the subatomic level.  When your thoughts are not being observed they revert into a pure potential state.  This is why they want to keep us always thinking, this shuts down our creative potential.  To understand your thoughts you have to have a understanding of the Universe.  Your thoughts are a vibrations that then creates fractals.  These are basic patterns that repeat on every level.  Your inner and outer worlds are pattern based.  Geometry is the purest expression of mathematics, but it is our real language.  It communicates with both sides of our brain.  Energy is pure infinite potential. It’s a balance that can never be contained.  It’s beyond space and time.  This energy creates a Cosmic symphony.  All of creation is made up of codes spirals, golden proportions, fractals and holographic interference pattern.  Your thoughts alone are shaping this entire reality, one thought at a time.  Change your thoughts, change your world.  Only think about what you want to see.  Every persons thought has to materialize somewhere, hence the disorganization at this time.  We came here to learn how to create, and all of creation is done in that void of our minds.  That’s the space where all of creation comes from.