Category: The Matrix

  • The World Might End

    The World Might End

    I’m watching a lot of probabilities and possibilities collapsing around us right now.  Its being caused by everyone’s thoughts right now.  Its sort of a sad event too.  People are not yet grasping the power we have with our thoughts and our intent.  Everyone needs to shift their focus.  We tend to make unreal events…

  • The Egg..

    “This is a spiritual conflict involving material matters. Material matters will be destroyed by spiritual beings who will remain to create one world and one nation under one power, that of the Creator.” -Hopi Prophecies The Fifth world has begun its emergence. You might not see it fully, but it’s already been seeded. These seeds…

  • Pole Shift..

    Everyone is freaking out about everything hitting the news. We are in a space storm so I wanted to do a little energy report. There are a rumors there will be a blackout, as in the lights going out. The blackout is happening, but not like people think. It’s all going to be extreme weather.…

  • Let’s talk about Vegas, here is a list of reasonable questions that the media would never ask 😉

    Photos of Stephen Paddock’s hotel room have been leaked, and one of those photos appears to show a suicide note. Why hasn’t the public been told what is in that note? Were there additional shooters?  A taxi driver clearly captured video of an automatic weapon being fired out of a lower window. A video from…

  • Rockefeller Died..

    Omg so Rockefeller died, not a shock. What is a shock is this new age dogma teaching people to love the evil in this world. These ideologies are dangerous and they trap you in the same polarity your trying to liberate yourself from. Real spirituality has been corrupted and distorted and made into something evil.…

  • Hive Mind

    We all began our journey in the 3rd dimension. We are all indoctrinated with theories, lies, and half truths. We have all been academically brainwashed with concepts that we take on as the truth. The result is we are being made into clones, that’s why most of our society has become a collective automated consciousness.…